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Article: Redrew: behind the brand

Redrew: behind the brand

Interview with Drew Solomon - Founder of Redrew Clothing

Explain the moment you got the idea for your brand or how it came about.

I started my brand during covid. I was studying a bachelor or fashion and textiles at UTS during the time and we were studying from home i had a lot of time on my hands and i knew i always wanted to start my own business one day but i thought t was something that was way in the future bus since i had all this spare time on my hands i thought you know what, why not why not get started now. if it fails it fails but i might as well find something to keep myself busy.

How did you get the name for your brand?

I thought of the name redrew basically as soon as i had the idea to just start my own brand. It came pretty seamlessly i mean obviously its got my name 'Drew' in it and 'Re' kind of stands for my original idea of wanting to be using repurposed, recycled materials. I have that mindset of sustainability always in the background.

Did you have any prior experience in the fashion industry prior to founding Redrew?

I have always had a deep interest in fashion, i always knew i would be working in the fashion industry somehow. So from interning back at school i would always intern in various roles in the fashion industry from like PR, design and photography, all different things. And then after graduating i first started with a business degree then changed to a bachelor of business and textiles. So i had that kind of knowledge but i haven't like officially worked in the fashion industry before starting Redrew but at the same time i mean i feel like you learn so much along the way when you start your own business so why not get started.

Proudest moment working on your brand so far?

I've recently been styled in Marie Clair Australia for a sustainable edit so thats really exciting. But also just every time i see a customer wearing Redrew and if they tag me on instagram i think thats the most rewarding experience for me because its so crazy that people spend their hard earned money on designs that i have created and go to the effort of taking a photo of it because they feel so beautiful in it and posting it on instagram so thats super cool.

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